
Using Transdermal Patches for Weight Loss? Why not?

Transdermal patches are not new. Over five decades ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first ever medication patches. These were motion sickness patches administering scopolamine.

Fast forward to today, transdermal patches have evolved and increased in variety. Patches administer varying medications including cosmetic solutions such as weight loss. One advantage of weight loss transdermal drugs administration is that unlike intravenous, oral, or intramuscular administration, the patch administering medication is duly controlled.

Meta Description: A weight loss transdermal patch is an adhesive used to administer doses of weight loss medication via the skin to the bloodstream. The patch releases the medication through a porous membrane or thin body-heated layers and are applied to the areas one wants to slim

Why Use weight Loss Transdermal Patches?

If you fear or loath injections, or tablets, weight loss transdermal patches are not only effective, convenient, and friendlier, they are also safer. In this article, we explore their usage, the dos and don’ts, as well as the step-by-step application process.

What are the best weight loss patches?

In our judgement, you can only rate the weight loss patches based on their effectiveness. The results are based on the ingredients used. Let’s have a look at some of these ingredients ingrained in weight loss patches and their roles. They include:

  1. Transdermal Weight Loss Patches with Green Tea and Green Tea Extracts

Green tea or products with green tea extract are believed to have capacity to boost one’s metabolic rate, reduces the level of fat production, and breaks down the fat cells.

  1. Transdermal Weight Loss Patches with Zinc Pyruvate

Zinc Pyruvate can promote fat breakdown thus reducing weight. Its oral supplements are more common and are administered in doses of 30gms daily for a month to a month and a half.

  1. Transdermal Weight Loss Patches with Japanese Mints

There are several weight loss patches that contain Japanese mint. Himitsu and Hokuto rank among the most popular mints used. Patch developers believe that Japanese mint effectively breaks down cells, and enhances metabolism. The mint also helps to block starch and sugar absorption.

  1. Transdermal Weight Loss Patches with Bitter Orange Extract

If you desire to eat less, you should consider patches with bitter orange extract. They are not only good for lowering appetite, they also help the body in burning calories and breaking down fats.

Acai berry, 5-HTP (Griffonia seeds), ephedra, and green coffee bean extract are also popular weight loss ingredients. Some of these patches comprise more than one ingredient. They release these ingredients to the skin, and then to the blood stream.

How to Apply Transdermal Patches for Weight Loss

The following instructions will help you to apply your weight loss transdermal patch correctly so that you leap its full benefits. As a rule, always read ALL the instructions. Take note of where to put the patch, how long you need to have the it on, and what to look out for incase of reactions.

Step-by-step Application of Weight Loss Transdermal Patches

Once you have understood the instructions, wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with warm water, or with water and soap. If that’s not possible, sanitize your hands thoroughly. Once this is done, go to step 1.

Step 1: Prepare where you would like to place the transdermal patch – and no, this does not mean anywhere. It must be in line with the professional instructions. I am assuming you have already read the instructions on the package. I am yet to see a package that does not specify where to attach the patch.

Make sure the spot is smooth (has no creases), it does not have any cut or sore. A spot that doesn’t get too sweaty or rubbed often is most preferred. One that will not be covered by the clothing seam or belt.

If the spot is covered with hair, shave it with scissors first. Shaving with a shaving machine can put you at risk of leaving a cut. If you have already shaved, give yourself two to three days to heal before you apply a transdermal patch.

On the same note, if you have an older patch on, probably containing the same drug, get rid of it. Weight loss patches are usually placed around the areas where they want to slim. By preparing I mean you wash away any impurities on the area. It could be lotion, sweat, powder, or body oil. Clean it thoroughly and dry it up.

Step 2: Open up the package and remove the patch. You can do this by cutting the edges with scissors. Avoid cutting the patch as you will have wasted it.

Once you have the patch, peel off the protective lining as per the instructions. Avoid touching the sticky part as that’s the side that adheres to the skin.

Step 3: Place the patch to adhere to the skin. Spread it using the palm so that there are no creases left and the edges are firmly placed. You will know the patch is correctly placed when its completely smooth and you can’t feel any bumps or folds.

In case you need to use two patches at once, ensure they do not overlap or place one on top of the other. For each patch to be effective, the patch’s sticky side must be placed squarely on the skin.

When using the patches for a long period, ensure you rotate them within the same area. This saves your skin from irritation and also enhances the effectiveness of the drug.

Step 4: Safely enclose and dispose the packaging in the trash bin. Wash your hands clean with warm water and soap to clear any medication residue.

What happens when your weight loss patches become loose?

Patches don’t often loosen unless when exposed to water for a long period. You can have your usual shower time but don’t overly expose the patch to water. But in case the patch loosens slightly from the edges, you can press it back with your fingers.

If the edges do not stick by pressing, try and secure it with a tape or an adhesive film. If the patch has completely loosened and cannot stick even after fastening it using adhesive film, it’s time to let it go. You don’t want it falling off anywhere as it can adhere to another person, a pet, or a child.

Securely dispose all your loosened patches and used patches. Remember transdermal patches contain active drugs even after use and are a risk to children and pets.

Replacing a loosened patch

Patches are placed as per the doctor’s schedule. If they loosen before their time lapses, wait until the next scheduled time to apply afresh. Wash the spot as advised above and place a new patch.

Bonus tips:

  • In case you are using heating pads, avoid using them alongside transdermal patches. The heat from heating pads may cause the drugs to be released faster and result in an overdose.
  • Patches may at times cause redness on the skin during removal. That’s quite normal and should not worry you as it heals in two to three days. In case it fails to clear, talk to your doctor.

In conclusion

Weight loss transdermal patches are quite effective. The only disadvantage they have is that medications whose molecules are not tiny enough to penetrate through the skin cannot be administered this way.

There you have it. All you need to know about transdermal patches for weight loss. Although they are still in the process of being approved, we recommend them for being convenient, affordable, and user-friendly. Reach us here for more information and enquiries.

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