
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Using Face Sheet Masks

Face Sheet Masks

The simplest beauty products to use are the easiest to make mistakes with. There are a lot of assumptions in the application and over half of the users don’t bother to read the instructions. Look at sheet masks, for instance, they are pretty easy to use, yet users commit so many mistakes relating to their usage.

Regardless of whether you are an ardent user or a novice, I urge you to read and follow the instructions on the package. Avoid shortcuts, and experimentation unless advised by a professional. Use the product as it is, and as instructed on the packaging.

Meta description: Common face sheet mistakes can be tagged to two things. One, users not reading instructions, two, wanting to experiment with them as they do with other products. Plus failing to observe timelines. These mistakes seem minute but they deter you from drawing the full benefits from the face sheet masks.

Perhaps your face would benefit more but owing to a few things you are doing wrong; you are not seeing the changes. This article covers some of the most prevalent face sheet mask errors and how you can avoid or correct them.

Top 5 Mistakes Sheet Mask Mistakes to Avoid

Face sheet masks have a simple process. You massage the pack to spread out the contents, tear, remove, and unfold the sheet, remove the film, apply the sheet mask, leave it on for the recommended time, and then remove it. How then do people make mistakes? Here are the top five ways.

  1. Applying the Face Sheet Mask to Your Face Before Cleaning

It’s a general rule that the skin has to be prepped before using any treatment. If sheet masking is part of your evening regime, wash the face first. We recommend cleansing and toning before applying the sheet mask. This ensures that all the impurities on the skin are out of the way.

If you’re feeling too lazy to wash your face, skip sheet masking as well. That’s because applying a sheet mask on a face built up with dirt will deny you the benefits of the treatment. The oil, dust, makeup, and sweat build-up, and other toxins from the body will deter the skin from accessing the ingredients from the mask.

Another major disadvantage is that the build-up may react to the ingredients putting your face at risk of a breakout.

  1. Failing to Remove the Backing Film

A backing film is a layer put in with the sheet mask. It prevents the sheet mask from sticking to itself while in the package. A lot of users don’t remember to peel it off before applying the sheet mask. The film is not harmful to your skin perse but what happens when you apply the sheet mask?

The backing film prevents the mask from adhering to your skin. The film also becomes hinders the absorption of nutrients. Unless you peel off the film, the whole treatment becomes futile.

  1. Leaving the Sheet Mask on for Too Long

Each sheet mask package instructs you how long the mask ought to be left on the skin. The average time is usually between fifteen and twenty-five minutes. After that period, the mask may still have some serum but you ought to remove it.

Applying a sheet mask for a short while hinders it from releasing the nutrients as it ought to. Leaving it on for longer will not add any benefits. On the contrary, as the mask dries up, it begins to suck back all the nutrients and moisture it had earlier released. Applying a face sheet mask and taking a nap or sleeping with it throughout the night is a sheet mistake you should avoid.

  1. Washing the Face After Applying the Face Sheet Mask

Unlike other mask types, sheet masks release nutrients within a very short time and are meant for single use. All that nourishing will go to waste if you wash your face afterward. Once you remove the mask, let the nourishing continue.

Regardless of how uncomfortable it feels, let it remain. Pat your skin gently as you massage it in a circular motion. You can apply a moisturizer though and leave it at that. Also, should there be some serum left in the packaging, don’t let it go to waste. Squeeze it out and apply it to your skin.

  1. Incorrect Storing of the Face Sheet Mask

If you store your masks vertically, the liquids will settle at the bottom. When this happens, the top part dries up. If you open up the package, some parts of the mask will have serum while others will not.

We recommend that you store your sheet masks horizontally. Alternatively, before opening the package, take time to massage the package to evenly spread the ingredients. While you massage the packet, all the parts of the mask are infused with the serum thus making the sheet mask more effective.

Bonus Tips

  • Store your sheet masks in the fridge if possible. According to face sheet mask manufacturers, sheet masks from the fridge add a refreshing feel to your face.
  • You can get a sheet mask that is specific to your skin type. There are sheet masks for dry skin containing pore care ingredients, sheet masks for oily skin with anti-acne ingredients, and those specially made for aging skin containing anti-aging ingredients.
  • Sheet masks are skin friendly and will hardly have negative effects but it’s always advisable to observe the changes on your skin as you continue with usage.

Sheet masks’ main purpose is to boost skin hydration by locking in the serum in the product. And I insist, this treatment compliments your usual skincare routine. Sheet masking does not substitute cleansing, neither does it substitute toning or moisturizing.

The masks work more effectively at night as your face has sufficient time to absorb nutrients while you sleep. If you can follow the procedures carefully, you will no doubt see the results.

Remember to pat the face gently after peeling off the mask and leave it to savor the treatment. In case you use the treatment in the morning, and would like to add sunscreen, there is no harm as long as you don’t wash your face.

In conclusion

Sheet masks work. They may not cater to all your skin needs but they sure yield wonderful results. You only need to avoid these few mistakes and you will be good to go. We at Zuri Beauty advocate for consistent sheet mask treatment for the best results. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our professionals.

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